Freitag, 12. September 2008

More Pics from Ottawa:

Marcel pats the Parliament cat.

Linda pats Parliament cat

tTogether with the big cat

A family pic at Parliament hill

Dady and bro at front of the Parliamnet Library

Marcel, the motorest

In the Coin Museum

At front of Parliamnet

Marcel in the bus.

At front of the Eternal Fire

Linda Holds Canadian flag

In old dress

At front of the Parliament

Linda at Confederation Square

Marcel in a park

In the park

In a Park

In the park

In a park

Marcel and Linda

At front of the Parliament Library, Ottawa

At Parliament Hill

Are onions delicious?

Samstag, 6. September 2008

Here, I am Mr Martin.

Here, I have a few more pictures mostly from Ottawa.

Are you sure?

Wow! What a beautiful city my granpa has? Ottawa!

My bro, Marcel is watching a beaver.


Linda, my sis.

With mom.

With Mom at The Parliament Hill, Ottawa.

Somewhere with Papa.

With Mom.

I can do what they are doing.

Again, my bro and my sis.

I should see a dentist.

I am thinking what to do next.

Okay, let me fix the telephone.